We provides a one-stop service for those who has green investment and financing demand. We greatly value the green environment, and provide relevant information such as green-related securities, ecolabels, green indicators or green certifications, for the purposes of promoting Taiwanese issuers, financial institutions and investors to channel funds into sustainable economic activities.
We provides information about domestic and international sustainable financial policies, green marks issued by foreign stock exchanges, for issuers and investors to stay informed about the tendency of sustainable financial policies and green enterprise certifications.
We gather significant green certifications from both domestic and international sources for investors' reference and encourage companies to apply for these certifications to recognize their achievements in green initiatives.
We summarize important green labels obtained by listed companies of TPEx and TWSE for references.
You can stay informed with in-time updates on the latest information from the ECO-Fin, and follow up regular updates on new developments in international sustainable finance.
We provide domestic and foreign sustainable investment and financing overview and information and case studies on corporate SASB compliance. Additionally, we provide website of European Union's Green Finance Platform for issuers and investors for further insights into foreign green financial overview and trendency.
Contact us to learn more about Eco-Fin